Organikët në rritje të të rinjve në Worcester, ose YouthGROW, is një program zhvillimi dhe punësimi rinor i fokusuar në bujqësi urbane për adoleshentët e Worcester-it
Programi ynë
YouthGROW punëson 32-40 adoleshentë të shkollave të mesme (mosha 14-18 vjeç) gjatë gjithë vitit, të cilët fitojnë aftësi udhëheqëse dhe punë, ndërsa mbajnë dy ferma organike urbane.
YouthGROWers plotësojnë një kurrikul të fokusuar në Zhvillimin Profesional, Aftësitë Udhëheqëse, Bujqësinë Urbane dhe Drejtësinë Sociale (PLUS,) përmes pjesëmarrjes në sesionin veror 8-javor, seminareve mujore, praktikave dhe shërbimit ndaj komunitetit.
three Urban Farm Campuses
lessons learned
Consensus decision making
Financial literacy
Food Systems (Local vs. Conventional)
How to use farm tools
Plant Identification
Public speaking skills
How to create a resume
Urban agriculture knowledge and more!
REC YouthGROWers say it best! Check out their podcast episode, YouthTalks:
Staff positions
Core Youth: All students new to the program start as Core Youth members.
Youth Leaders: The first leadership position within YouthGROW. Youth leaders lead farm tasks in small groups during program time, give farm tours for visitors, and run our annual spring hiring process for new youth.
Junior Staff: The highest leadership role within the program, Junior Staff lead farm tasks during youth program time and for outside volunteer groups, lead farm tours year round, support school gardens programming, and represent the larger cohort at conferences and on community coalitions.
Youthgrow in a year
Core Youth Application goes live!
Core Youth Interviews
Summer Intensive
Fall Session
Winter Break
Junior Staff Interviewed and Hired
Youth Leaders Interviewed and Hired
Spring Session
Faleminderit për sponsorët tanë YouthGROW!